Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cwafty Update #2

I made some art!

So yesterday I got up at like 5am on my day off and was actually well rested and ready to tackle the day! It was wonderful.

Some of the Highlights:
  • Re-arranged my whole office space for better organization, light when taking pictures, and condensing(as my cwafty corner is actually a living room area too)
  • Looked through most of my clothes and made a few outfits that go with my new skirt 
  • Worked on my weaving
  • Drove! (I need more experience...and a car)
  • Found out that my local Wal-mart is completely re-doing their craft section to bring back fabric! and therefore a lot of stuff was on sale and I snagged some supplies for a future project!
  • Double win in a Prize grabber (I'm addicted to these things, but responsible about it)
  • Brainstorming for the blog and the shop
  • Got to just relax and make the picture above. I melted crayons for the explosion and painted the background in. The stars are clumps of mica glitter. I love the texture of this.
  • Worked on my social media sites
  • Emailed Paypal about them semi-freezing my account, which has led to the opening of my store being delayed :(  (I've been having issues with them for a week+)
I was so excited about my day I had to share! Now to the actual update.

Cwafty Creations is having some trouble reopening at the moment because of my issues with paypal but I am working on it and will not be deterred! Also the blog is getting a lot of traffic lately and that is really exciting to me! I wanted to say thank you for checking out my stuff and I hope you are enjoying it here! Today I've been doing some over-all improvements to the blog and working on tomorrow's post.  I had three different ideas starting out and now I think I'm just going to end up combining all into one awesome post!

Til Next Time,


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