Thursday, April 23, 2015

Downtown Photography

I've got at least an hour of free time at college every day and I've been taking photography walks around downtown during my breaks. It's been really fun. Here are some of my best shots from my latest semester!

Paul Hill, a local artist contributed this and a few other works to my city. Wilmington may be a dinky little beach town with delusions of grandeur but we do have thriving art...not sure if "community" is the word, but an art population.

I'm normally not appreciative of cars or any wheeled machine in particular but I fell in love with this cherry red truck.

This is another piece by the same man who did "Straining to Be" above. This sculpture is called "Southern Hospitality". Venus flytraps only grow within a 75 mi. radius of Wilmington naturally (one of my favorite facts about this place)

Til Next Time!

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