Here it is: the place where all my cwafty magic happens. Hopefully these photos will one day serve as the "before" shots for my dream office makeover. That's sure to be a big endeavor somewhere in the near (next year or so?) future but in the meantime, let me show you around!
One thing you may or may not know about my office is it's half of the living room of the apartment I share with 3 other people. That's right, my roommates are amazingly nice enough to let me take over most of the downstairs with all of my crazy craft crap.They are awesome, I love you Ryan, Vickie and Josh!
Here is my view from my desk, which I snagged from goodwill for $20! Its an antique sewing table,and truthfully it's a little small but one of the sides extends so for now, it works. Sitting down at my desk and looking up at all of those pictures, signs, and displays(most of which I have made or we're made for me by crafty friends) really makes me feel inspired and happy.
Here is my memo board, which is where I keep notes, lists, and things that have moved from the inspiration board but I still like looking at on a regular basis. One half is a cork board, the other is a magnetic dry erase board.
Here's another new piece to my office, this cute little shelf (also grabbed from goodwill!) I'd like to thank goodwill for all its done for my decorating of my new apartment and the improvement of mine and my friend Ashley's relationship. I'm getting off topic though, this is where my solar Pikachi and Venture hang out most of the time. Its also one of the only places safe in the house for flowers, because Marbles cannot reach it...or at least has not yet. This shelf also acts as a pegboard substitute as you can see from my hammer and many scissors currently hanging out...there's my bad pun for this post! You're welcome.
That all was the center section of my space, where I do most of the crafting. On the sides is where I keep most of the supplies I don't need immediate access to. Here is the left wing:
This shelf is a mess, but a slightly organized one at least. On this shelf I keep my sewing kit, any and all paper products, shipping supplies, patterns(handmade and purchased), paperwork, jewelry findings, clay, sculpting products, crafty books, art journals, pens and pencils and markers, embroidery thread, dyes, W.I.P. tutorials, scrap fabrics, ribbons, buttons, glitters, embossing powders, feathers, rocks, beads, charms, wire, pliers, post its, whimseyboxes and spray paint. Whew that's a mouthful! These are just a partial amount of my supplies, let's move on to the right wing!
Over on this side there's less categories, but much more stuff! I've got stuffing, felt, fabric(too various to name all), yarn, fleece, and on the bottom of that white shelf are all of my unfinished projects. I also keep all of my pattern pieces for stuffed animals here, as well as half-made stuffed animals, like Peppermint Butler up top! Next to the shelf, you can see Veronica, my lovely mannequin, modeling a dress to be refashioned. Around her feet are other clothes(black bag) and objects to be refashioned including that pink ottoman and those orange boxes. In the corner you can see my tripod but I also keep my lighting kit, yardstick, collapsible easel, wooden dowels, and any other long items over there for easy storage.
Here's an area I just added to my space! My "style" corner. I really want to do more style/fashion posts but I needed a place to review outfits, keep my jewelry organizer, and be girly when needed. I don't have any space for it in my room (shocker right? another shocking thing is this is my first full length mirror!)
If you read my W.I.P post yesterday, you may recognize my garland I was
working on! (this is also the first garland I've ever made...I know I am
super late on the trend, its literally just glowing embers now.) I was
inspired by my friend Carly's life motto banner that she shared at her
blog, Zauberbear. You know it's a good project if I drop everything I'm
doing and tackle it, which is what I totally did. This is not the first time that has happened though, I also immediately made her wire crown project, one for me and one for my cat, Marbles!
![]() |
Princess Marbles |
Before we finish up, I'd like to show you some of the smaller bits of my office that you may not have noticed, but that I really appreciate.
From the top clockwise. 1. My cube storage above my desk. I keep frequently used paint, thread, and other items here for easy access. This shelf used to hold my pokemon as a kid, I'm glad I found a second purpose for it. 2. My elephant jewelry organizer. I made it out of old book pages, air dry clay, and a wooden plaque! I have plans for making a tutorial for a similar one for the blog.
3. A favorite painting of mine from my senior year art class. It was a watercolor altered image. I was supposed to copy a picture and add something to it. I added the tornado. 4. My jam packed paint spinner. Seriously, I engineered cardboard shelves to hold the paints too fat to fit in the spaces. Its packed to capacity and weighs like 20 lbs.
Well folks, that's all for today! I loved getting to show you all my creative space. I hope you enjoyed the peek behind the scenes here at The Cwafty Blog. It's not a perfect space, but it's mine. I've wanted to do this post for a while so you guys can have a little insight into the way I work, and see that I actually use everything I make on here! Can you find all the tutorial products in this post? Hint: there's 9 (if you count all the jewelry)
Also remember I have big news I'm sharing on Tuesday so be sure to tune in! I'm super excited to tell everyone my big surprise!
Til Next Time!
I need an inspiration board! And I happen to think your office is totes adorbs. ^-^
ReplyDeleteI think they are a must have for any blogger or creative, and there are so many different tutorials available for them that everyone can find one perfect for them! Also, thank you I have worked hard at cultivating its awesome adorableness :)
DeleteWow! You've created an amazingly inspirational space, fabulous! *I'm totally digging that elephant organizer ;O)
ReplyDeleteThanks Sheri! The second I walk in I immediately feel more creative, just being surrounded by past creations :) I want to make a matching one to hang scarves and hats on and I plan on making a tutorial for it :)
DeleteYour roomates are are awesome to let you have your downstairs office - but I bet they love to see what you are making!!
ReplyDeleteAre they not the best? They are amazingly supportive, just the other day Vickie had friends over and they saw my little corner, so Vickie showed them around and said they loved all my stuff! Now I have some new fans :)
Deletegreat office space :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Madison!