![]() Winged Heart Pin | ![]() Unicorn Valentine's Day Card | ![]() Doughnut Ring |
Blog News:
- I brought back some great pictures from Charlotte Mini-Con!
- There was a bunch of red on the blog this month, including in my Style Saturday post this month!
- Venture went on a road trip! Check out everywhere he went in this month's Venture Visits.
Shop News:
- I updated the types of superhero pillows in the shop to include 3 new styles. Green Lantern, Captain America, and Superman! Check out the full array of choices here.
- I had some custom order that were Pokemon themed this month! Check out these awesome shoes I hand painted
Other News:
- In my blog planning book I've been assigning myself a blog goal each month; January's was plan out the blog redesign, February's was to implement said redesign. As I realized late last night that today was the only day left in February, I got my butt in high gear and finished most of the work in about 4 hours (which was great and included me staying up way too late, eating a whole batch of chocolate chip cookies before finally getting the blog in some semblance of in-order only to realize I had somehow given myself two headers and I couldn't delete either of them. It was a rough night.) Please let me know what you think of the new look! And please mind the cyber-dust as I still have much to tweak and finish.
Til Next Time!
I love the new look of the blog!! :)